PM Course Finder helps you make informed-decisions when choosing the right professional training course to fit your needs.
This free-of-charge service is operated by PMI Switzerland Chapter volunteers.
❶ Review the course listings to find your program
Browse our catalog of courses by
Training category
Training provider
❷ Click on a course that seems to suit your requirements
Every course has its own detail page with a complete description provided by the training partner, including
Dates and duration
Program summary
❸ Register for the course
Each detail page displays a link to the training partner's course page, from which registration can be completed.
When registering, verify all details match those indicated in PM Course Finder. It's not uncommon for planned courses to be canceled or the dates and venue changed. Please inform us using the form on the Contact Us page to notify our team if you should encounter a discrepancy.
IMPORTANT: When registering to your course, be sure to mention you are a PMI Member using the PM Course Finder website to be sure all member discounts and benefits are offered.
❹ Contact the training partner with any questions
The course detail page includes all the contact information you need to get in touch with the provider and receive feedback from a coaching specialist qualified to offer you the consultation you need. Provider details are available also on the Training Partners page.

PM Course Finder is provided as a service of PMI Switzerland Chapter to support our mission for advancing excellence and professionalism in project management in Switzerland by providing project management practitioners with localized services and knowledge. While our goal is to facilitate the accessibility of professional advancement, we cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of course details listed on this website. We request that all members verify the information with the training provider directly and we appreciate your feedback in the instance of any discrepancies with details displayed here.
PM Course Finder makes no guarantees regarding the quality of a listed course, nor for the availability of space for a specific date of a course advertised on our site.
PMI and PMI Switzerland Chapter are not responsible for content on external web sites.